
Lorraine G - San Antonio, Texas

"Best webinar-type course technology I've ever used."

J Caleb D

"Loved the course structure and delivery"

Mary S

"I liked being able to watch the video and pause it, if I needed and then come back to it."

Bettye D

"Very well presented!"

Julie B

"Great course!"

Jennifer M - Waco, Texas

"Really great ethics presentation. The manner in which the information was presented was memorable and meaningful. Great examples and conversation that are truly applicable to day-to-day practice."

Wanda Y

"Thank you for providing the course."

James E - Cedar Park, Texas

"Very good!"

Ann W

"I really enjoyed the examples and the method of presentation. For a CPA to interact with another CPA, and share information and experience, that made the topic much more interesting."

Robert R - Sulphur Springs, Texas

"As always, ethics is a tough course to teach, especially by video. This course still kept my attention better than any other online ethics course."